Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Video Logging (Vlogging)

For the past few days, I have been fascinated by a number of different YouTube vlogs. It is magnificent the way that technology is expanding day-by-day and catering to art and self-expression!

Technology is providing closer access and connection to knowledge and a person's inner being. We are able to get to know and interact with a person more and more through YouTube channels. 
There are several YouTube vloggers that I have been exploring:
1. Tess Christine:

I came across Tess Christine when searching for dressing like Blair Waldorf. Tess Christine has an amazing video on getting the Blair Waldorf look for less!
I really love the help that she provides on getting such amazing clothing for reasonable fashion! I also really like her makeup tutorial on replicating Blair's "dewy, glowy skin." I really hope that I can attain such skin. 
I also like Tess's video on achieving the Blake Lively/Serena from Gossip Girl look:
Before watching this video, I did not know that people apply different colors from the eyeshadow pallet on their eyes at the same time. I think that is really neat and would like to try the exact Blake Lively makeup look that Tess guides us through at some point! I also love the name of the lipstick, Airy Fairy by Rimmel London. So I think that I will be buying it at some point. 
I also think that Tess looks like a cross between Blake Lively and Leighton Meester. I even thought it was the actress that played Blair in the Blair video. She is that professional!
I really like all of Tess's beauty routines. I will take the input from them for my own beauty regimen. 
Another video that I like on Tess Christine's channel is on how to dress like Ariana Grande: 
I can never get enough of this video! I love how Tess emulates Ariana's quirky, girly, glamorous style. I especially like the parts about adding in false eyelashes and wearing oversized sweaters as dresses and wearing shorts underneath. 
I would love to meet Tess in person and befriend her, and she coincidentally lives in New York. So that might actually be possible.
2. Maria's Makeup Xo: 

Maria is a high school teenager, but I have found that I can learn a lot from her. She is really wise beyond her years and sophisticated! If only I could have been quite as mature and wise as she was as a teenager. 
I also found Maria when searching for how to dress like Blair Waldorf: 
I love all of the makeup that Maria applies and the way that she applies it. I also love her replication of Blair's schoolwear and floral skirt in the second outfit. I really appreciate the song playing during the display of the second outfit. 
I also like Maria's "What's in My Purse" video:
I am really struck in this video by how poised, charismatic, entertaining, fun, and sophisticated Maria came across! I really like the red purse, especially the handle at the top, and wish that I could find it for myself. From this video, I learned that I should always keep a keychain and chewing gum in my purse. Maria inspired me to make my own "What's in My Purse?" video. 
I also appreciate Maria's "High School Advice" video: 
The video portrays that Maria is really very wise for a high schooler and has a good head on her shoulders. I especially appreciate her advice on taking off a mental health day, which is as important as taking off a medically unfit day. That is a progressive way of looking at life. 
Another video that I keep on watching over and over is "New Year's Pep Talk/ Tea Time":
Words cannot express how touched I am by this video! I find it amazing the way that Maria knows so much about positivity and loving yourself at such a young age! It is what I have grown up to learn. I also very much like her unique advice to always wear red lipstick. 

I also think that it is sweet that Maria connects with us by drinking tea. 
It is very wise that Maria made a video on all the little things that make her happy: 

We should always list the things that make us happy so that we can have it to back up our spirits at times. I think that it is sweet that Maria is a real hugger! I really feel like I would get along with such a loving girl. 
The last video that I will discuss is Maria's milkmaid tutorial video: 
I would love to learn how to make all sorts of braids, and it would be awesome to look like a French milkmaid!
3. Claudia Norris:

Claudia Norris is an awesome young singer. I encountered Claudia when looking for "What's on My Bookshelf?" videos. 
Here is Claudia's "What's on My Bookshelf?" video: 
Claudia has amazing contemporary popular taste in fiction, which inspired me to also get in the loop with contemporary popular fiction! I particularly want to read Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen by Serena Valentino, The Treasure Map of Boys by E. Lockhart, A Great & Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray, and Wild Things by Clay Carmichael

I also want to get a pink version of The Holy Bible. I found that I already have The War of Art at home so I should start to get to reading it. 

Claudia is a girl after my own heart, in only buying books in the hardcover format!
I also like Claudia's 21 questions video: 
I admire that Claudia would want to be an actress if not a singer and that she would want to play Blair Waldorf! I also like that Claudia states that we should all invest money into buying the right sized bra. I think it is sweet that Claudia has her Mom read out all the questions. It is ingenious that Claudia has a birthday cake with candles at the end. 

4. Anna in Wonderland:

Anna is a PhD student living in the UK. So I find it interesting to get a relatable perspective from a fellow PhD intellectual scholar. I think that is amazing that Anna is doing a dissertation on Diary of Anne Frank. I love Anne Frank and the diary form. I would also say that her YouTube channel on Diary of Anne Frank is a metadiary. 
I appreciate Anna's "What's on My Bookshelf?" videos: 
Here we have a look into the intellectual makeup of a scholar. I find it intriguing that Anne Frank had an original and uncensored edition of her diary. 

I have similar tastes to Anna in classical, imaginative, dreamy literature, such as Alice in Wonderland. 
Alice in Wonderland is obviously the roots of Anna in Wonderland's perspective. 
I appreciate that Anna has an annotated version of The Secret Garden, which I would also like to buy some day. 
Additionally, I admire Anna's video on doing a PhD in the UK:
I really appreciate the PhD career and the UK so this is perfect for my tastes! I admire very much that Anna chose to do a PhD in the UK on Anne Frank, as opposed to the US. 
5. Fleur de Force:
Fleur de Force is a beauty and fashion vlogger from the UK. I really want to buy her book, The Glam Guide, which I believe is a blog-to-book. 
I appreciate Fleur's "Summer Glow" video:
I also appreciate Fleur's video on fashion from ASOS, Primark, and TopShop:
I love Fleur's hairstyle in this video. I think that it is a milkmaid braid actually.
I need to watch more of Fleur's videos in detail so that I can comment more on her. 
6. Sprinkle of Glitter:

Louise Pentland is actually a friend of Fleur's living in the UK. I just have to get her book, Life with a Sprinkle of Glitter from the UK!
The book actually has glitter on it, which does not come off! That's the spirit! 
I like Louise's video, "Let's Talk About Sex":
I appreciate that Louise thinks that the right first time is unique for everyone and sees advantages and disadvantages in both saving yourself and having several partners. I agree that your partner should be someone that you like/love and can connect with.
I was very touched by Louise's video on her pink hair story: 
It is sweet that Louise cares so much for her late mother and wants to tribute her with her pink hair. 
I also think it sweet that Fleur, Louise, and this other Internet identity, Zoella are such good friends, meeting through YouTube. Here is a video on their friendship:
7. Dulce Candy:
Dulce Candy is an Internet beauty and fashion celebrity. She has quite an interesting life story! I love her rise to fame. And I love her sweet name!
I appreciate Dulce's video on "Draw My Life": 
After watching this video, I learned that drawing one's life is actually pretty common for YouTube vloggers. I think it is pretty neat the way it is outside-the-box. 

I also like the video on Dulce's makeup collection: 
I think that it is AWESOME that Dulce has a room full of makeup. I did not even know that people used drawers to store makeup before watching this video. I would one day like to have as much makeup as Dulce. 
8. Michelle Phan:

Michelle Phan is a big Internet celeb, but I have just watched some of her videos so far. 
I like Michelle's video on "Romantic Blush": 
I love the idea of making yourself up in the romantic mood. It is sweet the way that she starts out her video, "Want to show that your eyes are in love?" Eyes are the window to the soul after all. 
9. Bethany Mota:
Bethany is a very young Internet beauty and fashion celebrity that makes a lucrative income through vlogging. When I looked at her channel, I could definitely see why she is so popular. 
I love this video on Bethany's Japan trip: 
It is really very impressive that Bethany was so successful that she was granted a trip to Japan!
I also love The Carrie Diaries fashion video: 
I love young Carrie Bradshaw's style, especially her personalized purse. 

After watching all these vlogs, I have been inspired to start vlogging as a profession myself. I think that vlogging is a great way to open yourself up and communicate with the world. I will be starting a YouTube channel on beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and books. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!